Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Will Vs Wall Street: ATC Venture Group Does It Again Or How You Missed A 623% Compounded Gain In 3.5 Weeks!

Yes, I know the naysayers will mention the low trading volume and how you have to time it just right, etc. If the $72k number scares you then use $1,000.00 as your starting point instead of $10,000.00. As far as timing it right, obvious someone out there did bought and sold shares on these days, whose to say someone didn't do it? Bottom line is this stock did trade at these levels so hypothetically someone could have scored a huge gain!
Will's Tip: Penny stocks are HIGHLY volatile. With that being said, the returns you can get in s short amount of time is worth the risk in my opinion. Experts frown on frequent trading or one day trades but for a 113% gain in 8 days? 623% gain in 3.5 weeks???
Hell yeah, I will take that risk!

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